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Peace March

The Peace March have been. Check this very early report!

It is time to demonstrate that we are many who believe in peace on Rubi-Ka.

The letter below has been sent out to a number of news agencies.

Here are some more practical information about the march.

Maps of the route.

Sign up here!

What others say about the march!

There will be a party in Reets Retreat afterwards!! Come and talk about the experience!

After a hectic Autumn we in the Healing Hands needed a refreshing vacation and therefore went skiing on one of the moons of Rubi-Ka. When we returned last week we were choked by the news that met us. More and more factions and clans were breaking the peace treaty, Athen Accords was no more it seemed. These are troubling times. The war seems once more at the door, all peace work shall have been for nothing. The suffering will increase and our lovely planet shall once more be a place of terror and murder.

We felt the urge for action. We need to do something to show others that the peace is precious to us. Talking to friends around the planet we started to realize that we weren't the only ones that felt like this and the idea of a peace march was born. A meeting last Friday, only intended as a small discussion, grew into a large gathering of people from several guilds such as Independent Rubi-Ka, the Free Assembly, Saim Dathedi and Blade Corp., but also independent individuals was seen. The meeting decided to pull off a Peace March!

So therefore everyone on RK1, Neutral, Clan or Omni, join us next Saturday, January 19th, in a Peace March to show that the Peace is precious and wanted by many.

We will rally at the south gate in Tir. At 20:00 GMT we march through Tir, passing the Council of Truth. At 21:00 GMT the march continues in Newland, starting from the Bronto Burger Bar. Finally at 22:00 GMT we rally in Omni-Trade at the Whompa to walk into Omni-HQ and pass outside Mr. Ross office.

Those who join us in the march are encourage to wear white armbands as a sign of peace. This is a non-violent action, so no one even if being attacked shall retaliate. We need to demonstrate that War is not the only solution.

For more information and latest news about the march look us up at the data terminals at

Teamdoc and DocPoff of the Society of the Healing Hands.

Believers in Peace.